Tag Archives: QE

Connecting Photographic Raw Data to Tristimulus Color Science

Absolute Raw Data

In the previous article we determined that the three r_{_L}g_{_L}b_{_L} values recorded in the raw data in the center of the image plane in units of Data Numbers per pixel – by a digital camera and lens as a function of absolute spectral radiance L(\lambda) at the lens – can be estimated as follows:

(1)   \begin{equation*} r_{_L}g_{_L}b_{_L} =\frac{\pi p^2 t}{4N^2} \int\limits_{380}^{780}L(\lambda) \odot SSF_{rgb}(\lambda)  d\lambda \end{equation*}

with subscript _L indicating absolute-referred units and SSF_{rgb} the three system Spectral Sensitivity Functions.   In this series of articles \odot is wavelength by wavelength multiplication (what happens to the spectrum of light as it progresses through the imaging system) and the integral just means the area under each of the three resulting curves (integration is what the pixels do during exposure).  Together they represent an inner or dot product.  All variables in front of the integral were previously described and can be considered constant for a given photographic setup. Continue reading Connecting Photographic Raw Data to Tristimulus Color Science

The Physical Units of Raw Data

In the previous article we (I) learned that the Spectral Sensitivity Functions of a given digital camera and lens are the result of the interaction of light from the scene with all of the spectrally varied components that make up the imaging system: mainly the lens, ultraviolet/infrared hot mirror, Color Filter Array and other filters, finally the photoelectric layer of the sensor, which is normally silicon in consumer kit.

Figure 1. The journey of light from source to sensor.  Cone Ω will play a starring role in the narrative that follows.

In this one we will put the process on a more formal theoretical footing, setting the stage for the next few on the role of white balance.

Continue reading The Physical Units of Raw Data

The Spectral Response of Digital Cameras

Photography works because visible light from one or more sources reaches the scene and is reflected in the direction of the camera, which then captures a signal proportional to it.  The journey of light can be described in integrated units of power all the way to the sensor, for instance so many watts per square meter. However ever since Newton we have known that such total power is in fact the result of the weighted sum of contributions by every frequency  that makes up the light, what he called its spectrum.

Our ability to see and record color depends on knowing the distribution of the power contained within a subset of these frequencies and how it interacts with the various objects in its path.  This article is about how a typical digital camera for photographers interacts with the spectrum arriving from the scene: we will dissect what is sometimes referred to as the system’s Spectral Response or Sensitivity.

Figure 1. Spectral Sensitivity Functions of an arbitrary imaging system, resulting from combining the responses of the various components described in the article.

Continue reading The Spectral Response of Digital Cameras

The Nikon Z7’s Insane Sharpness

Ever since getting a Nikon Z7 MILC a few months ago I have been literally blown away by the level of sharpness it produces.   I thought that my surprise might be the result of moving up from 24 to 45.7MP, or the excellent pin-point focusing mode, or the lack of an Antialiasing filter.  Well, it turns out that there is probably more at work than that.

This weekend I pulled out the largest cutter blade I could find and set it up rough and tumble near vertically about 10 meters away  to take a peek at what the MTF curves that produce such sharp results might look like.

Continue reading The Nikon Z7’s Insane Sharpness

Equivalence and Equivalent Image Quality: Signal

One of the fairest ways to compare the performance of two cameras of different physical characteristics and specifications is to ask a simple question: which photograph would look better if the cameras were set up side by side, captured identical scene content and their output were then displayed and viewed at the same size?

Achieving this set up and answering the question is anything but intuitive because many of the variables involved, like depth of field and sensor size, are not those we are used to dealing with when taking photographs.  In this post I would like to attack this problem by first estimating the output signal of different cameras when set up to capture Equivalent images.

It’s a bit long so I will give you the punch line first:  digital cameras of the same generation set up equivalently will typically generate more or less the same signal in e^- independently of format.  Ignoring noise, lenses and aspect ratio for a moment and assuming the same camera gain and number of pixels, they will produce identical raw files. Continue reading Equivalence and Equivalent Image Quality: Signal