Tag Archives: edge spread function

Minimalist ESF, LSF, MTF by Monotonic Regression

Because the Slanted Edge Method of estimating the Spectral Frequency Response of a camera and lens is one of the more popular articles on this site, I have fielded variations on the following question many times over the past ten years:

How do you go from the intensity cloud  produced by the projection of a slanted edge captured in a raw file to a good estimate of the relevant Line Spread Function?

Figure 1.  Slanted edge captured in the raw data and projected to the edge normal.  The data noisy because of shot noise and PRNU.  How to estimate the underlying edge profile (orange line, the Edge Spread Function)?

So I decided to write down the answer that I have settled on.  It relies on monotone spline regression to obtain an Edge Spread Function (ESF) and then reuses the parameters of the regression to infer the relative regularized Line Spread Function (LSF) analytically in one go.

This front-loads all uncertainty to just the estimation of the ESF since the other steps on the way to the SFR become purely mechanical.  In addition the monotonicity constraint puts some guardrails around the curve, keeping it on the straight and narrow without further effort.

This minimalist, what-you-see-is-what-you-get approach gets around the usual need for signal conditioning such as binning, finite difference calculations and other filtering, with their drawbacks and compensations.  It has the potential to be further refined so consider it a hot-rod DIY kit.  Even so it is an intuitively direct implementation of the method and it provides strong validation for Frans van den Bergh’s open source MTF Mapper, the undisputed champ in this space,[1] as it produces very similar results with raw slanted edge captures. Continue reading Minimalist ESF, LSF, MTF by Monotonic Regression


In this and the previous article I discuss how Modulation Transfer Functions (MTF) obtained from every color channel of a Bayer CFA raw capture in isolation can be combined to provide a meaningful composite MTF curve for the imaging system as a whole.

There are two ways that this can be accomplished: an input-referred approach (L) that reflects the performance of the hardware only; and an output-referred one (Y) that also takes into consideration how the image will be displayed.  Both are valid and differences are typically minor, though the weights of the latter are scene, camera/lens, illuminant dependent – while the former are not.  Therefore my recommendation in this context is to stick with input-referred weights when comparing cameras and lenses.1 Continue reading COMBINING BAYER CFA MTF Curves – II

MTF Mapper vs sfrmat3

Over the last couple of years I’ve been using Frans van den Bergh‘s excellent open source MTF Mapper to measure the Modulation Transfer Function of imaging systems off a slanted edge target, as you may have seen in these pages.  As long as one understands how to get the most out of it I find it a solid product that gives reliable results, with MTF50 typically well within 2% of actual in less than ideal real-world situations (see below).  I had little to compare it to other than to tests published by gear testing sites:  they apparently mostly use a commercial package called Imatest for their slanted edge readings – and it seemed to correlate well with those.

Then recently Jim Kasson pointed out sfrmat3, the matlab program written by Peter Burns who is a slanted edge method expert who worked at Kodak and was a member of the committee responsible for ISO12233, the resolution and spatial frequency response standard for photography.  sfrmat3 is considered to be a solid implementation of the standard and many, including Imatest, benchmark against it – so I was curious to see how MTF Mapper would compare.  It did well.

Continue reading MTF Mapper vs sfrmat3

The Units of Spatial Resolution

Several sites for photographers perform spatial resolution ‘sharpness’ testing of a specific lens and digital camera set up by capturing a target.  You can also measure your own equipment relatively easily to determine how sharp your hardware is.  However comparing results from site to site and to your own can be difficult and/or misleading, starting from the multiplicity of units used: cycles/pixel, line pairs/mm, line widths/picture height, line pairs/image height, cycles/picture height etc.

This post will address the units involved in spatial resolution measurement using as an example readings from the popular slanted edge method, although their applicability is generic.

Continue reading The Units of Spatial Resolution

How to Get MTF Performance Curves for Your Camera and Lens

You have obtained a raw file containing the image of a slanted edge  captured with good technique.  How do you get the Modulation Transfer Function of the camera and lens combination that took it?  Download and feast your eyes on open source MTF Mapper version 0.4.16 by Frans van den Bergh.

[Edit, several years later: MTF Mapper has kept improving over time, making it in my opinion the most accurate slanted edge measuring tool available today, used in applications that range from photography to machine vision to the Mars Rover.   Did I mention that it is open source?

It now sports a Graphical User Interface which can load raw files and allow the arbitrary selection of individual edges by simply pointing and clicking, making this post largely redundant.  The procedure outlined will still work but there are easier ways to accomplish the same task today.  To obtain the same result with raw data and version 0.7.38 just install MTF Mapper, set the “Settings/Preferences” tab as follows and leave all else at default:

“Pixel size” is only needed to also show SFR in units of lp/mm and the “Arguments” field only if using an unspecified raw data CFA layout.  “Accept” and “File/Open with manual edge selection” your raw files.  Follow the instructions to select as many edges as desired.  Then in “Data set” open an “annotated” file and shift-click on the chosen edges to see the relative MTF plots.]

The first thing we are going to do is crop the edges and package them into a TIFF file format so that MTF Mapper has an easier time reading them.  Let’s use as an example a Nikon D810+85mm:1.8G ISO 64 studio raw capture by DPReview so that you can follow along if you wish.   Continue reading How to Get MTF Performance Curves for Your Camera and Lens

The Slanted Edge Method

My preferred method for measuring the spatial resolution performance of photographic equipment these days is the slanted edge method.  It requires a minimum amount of additional effort compared to capturing and simply eye-balling a pinch, Siemens or other chart but it gives more, useful, accurate, quantitative information in the language and units that have been used to characterize optical systems for over a century: it produces a good approximation to  the Modulation Transfer Function of the two dimensional camera/lens system impulse response – at the location of the edge in the direction perpendicular to it.

Much of what there is to know about an imaging system’s spatial resolution performance can be deduced by analyzing its MTF curve, which represents the system’s ability to capture increasingly fine detail from the scene, starting from perceptually relevant metrics like MTF50, discussed a while back.

In fact the area under the curve weighted by some approximation of the Contrast Sensitivity Function of the Human Visual System is the basis for many other, better accepted single figure ‘sharpness‘ metrics with names like Subjective Quality Factor (SQF), Square Root Integral (SQRI), CMT Acutance, etc.   And all this simply from capturing the image of a slanted edge, which one can actually and somewhat easily do at home, as presented in the next article.

Continue reading The Slanted Edge Method