In the last article we learned that a complex lens can be modeled as just an entrance pupil, an exit pupil and a geometrical optics black-box in between. Goodman[1] suggests that all optical path errors for a given Gaussian point on the image plane can be thought of as being introduced by a custom phase plate at the pupil plane, delaying or advancing the light wavefront locally according to aberration function as earlier described.
The phase plate distorts the forming wavefront, introducing diffraction and aberrations, while otherwise allowing us to treat the rest of the lens as if it followed geometrical optics rules. It can be associated with either the entrance or the exit pupil. Photographers are usually concerned with the effects of the lens on the image plane so we will associate it with the adjacent Exit Pupil.

If the wavefront aberration function is constant throughout the
pupil plane the system is said to be diffraction limited at the relative Gaussian point. If it varies in any part of the pupil it is an indication that the lens has some aberrations that are fully described by phase distortions introduced by the imaginary plate for the given Gaussian point.
The Pupil Function
is assumed to be part of the
pupil plane, its extent limited by the shape and size of the aperture (the virtual image of the mechanical stop there), which so far we have assumed to be a circular disk. However the aperture can be any shape whatsoever and in practice it is often polygonal when stopped down.

Nor does it have to be all or nothing. Some lens designs sport a graduated stop in order to obtain desirable qualities like softer bokeh for example (think of a radial neutral density filter within the mechanical stop itself). These characteristics are akin to a variable radial attenuation at the stop and can be represented as the grayscale image of a transparency within the plane, say with zero indicating full photon stoppage in black, one full throughput in white and values in between indicating varying transmission. Such a description of the aperture is referred to as the Pupil Function
Since the Pupil Function limits the bundle of light that makes it through the lens, it is responsible for determining the amount of diffraction introduced into the incoming wavefront.
The Generalized Pupil Function
In optics the instantaneous amplitude () and phase (
) of an analytic signal like a light wave can be expressed compactly in complex notation as a phasor:
, with
the wavelength of light.
Wavefront aberration Function represents phase shifts so multiplying element-wise (
) the real transmission Pupil Function
by it in complex notation produces the Generalized (or complex) Pupil Function, as described in Goodman[1]
captures both the transmittance of the pupil and the phase errors introduced by aberrations in the lens relevant to the projected image point. It represents the complex amplitude transmittance within the Exit Pupil relative to the Gaussian point on the image plane predicted by geometrical optics. It can be thought of as the phase plate mentioned in the introduction. It is a self-contained description of the wave-optical performance of the lens for that one spot.

If the lens does not have any aberrations, ΔW is effectively equal to zero and the exponential term evaluates to 1, leaving just the real transmission component. In that case .
Fourier Optics: Point Spread Function
The Generalized Pupil Function modifies the incoming light field by element-wise multiplication with it. For instance on-axis light from a distant source shows up as a plane wave at the exit pupil, it can be represented as a normalized image of ones (with zero representing no field). In this case after multiplication with the Generalized Pupil Function the resulting field after the pupil would then just be equal to the Generalized Pupil Function.
More generally, with an on-axis unit impulse of light and several other assumptions typically valid in photography, Goodman demonstrates that the magnitude squared of the Fourier Transform of such a complex Exit Pupil is the expected intensity Point Spread Function projected onto the Gaussian point in the (
) sensing plane by the relative aberrated lens
normalizing factors dropped because normalization tends to be application dependent. This is the image that a distant star against an otherwise black sky would project onto the center of our camera’s () sensing plane. Its deviation from the single point of light predicted by geometrical optics represents degradation of the signal by diffraction and aberrations introduced by the lens.
In fact, as a result of linearity and superposition, the image projected onto the camera’s sensing plane is effectively the ideal image predicted by geometrical optics convolved with the local PSF of the lens as defined. The physically larger the PSF, the fuzzier and less sharp the image.
Optical Transfer Function
What does this mean in terms of loss of detail and resolution in the image? Enter the so-called Optical Transfer Function, the normalized Fourier Transform of the PSF
The OTF describes how detail at all spatial frequencies () makes it through the lens on the way to the image plane. It is valid with incoherent lighting, mostly true in nature. The normalizing factor in the denominator is simply the sum total of the intensity within the PSF.
The OTF is a complex function and in typical photographic applications it will always have its maximum at zero frequency with a value of one. Since the intensity PSF on the image plane is real and the Fourier transform of a real function is symmetric about the origin, the OTF is also symmetric about the origin. This property is known as Hermitian symmetry and it means that the value of the OTF at negative frequencies is the mirror image of its values at positive frequencies. If in addition the PSF is symmetric about the origin (an even function), the OTF will only be real also, this being the case for pure Defocus and Spherical Aberration for instance.
Modulation Transfer Function
The OTF is a complex function but for photographic spatial frequency considerations we are typically just interested in its effects on the intensity projected onto the image plane, for which phase is unnecessary. We can zero in on intensity by expressing the resulting OTF in complex notation as a magnitude multiplying a phase term, the Phase Transfer Function, which we will ignore for now. The magnitude (aka modulus, absolute value) of the OTF represents the Spatial Frequency Response of the lens otherwise known as its Modulation Transfer Function
It is calculated by taking the quadrature sum of the real and imaginary parts of the OTF at every spatial frequency. MTF provides a measure of the performance of the optics on the image plane at all possible spatial frequencies (). It inherits the properties of the OTF, with Hermitian symmetry and a maximum of one at zero frequency (also known as DC). Because it is a modulus, its minimum is zero.
Therefore the MTF near the center of an ‘in-focus’, in-spec photographic lens at working f-numbers will decrease monotonically from DC all the way to diffraction extinction at
; if it doesn’t it means that something else is at play, such as a less than ideal set up, capturing process or image processing.
All Together Now
The MTF is seen to just be the magnitude of the normalized Fourier transform of the PSF, which is the magnitude squared of the Fourier transform of the complex Exit Pupil function. In photography it stems from the few parameters covered in the last few articles: mean light wavelength , working f-number
and an estimate of the aberrations affecting the point of interest on the image plane in the form of the complex Pupil Function of the lens
In the example in the Figure below those would respectively be 0.5,
and a clear circular aperture of 5
diameter with

See the articles on Fourier Optics for more detail on the theory and how numerical methods can be used to easily generate the intensity Point Spread Function and Spatial Frequency Response of complex lenses starting from the shape of the aperture and the wavefront aberration function.[*]
The spatial resolution performance of our own photographic equipment can instead be estimated by measuring the relative OTFs at home. One of the better ways to perform that feat is to use the previously discussed slanted edge method.
MTF curves are usually the basis of many single figure metrics for perceived sharpness that take into account the response of the Human Visual System. They have names like MTFA, SQF, SQRI, MTF50, CPA Acutance, etc. See for example this article for a discussion of MTF50 as a proxy for perceived sharpness.
This concludes the short series of articles for photographers on how photons reflected by a scene and collected by a lens end up on the relative image plane.
Notes and References
1. Much inspiration in this series of articles comes from Introduction to Fourier Optics, 3rd Edition. Joseph W Goodman.